
Prepare thyself ! :

The more you train, the better your time will be, the more chances you have of finishing the race. In a trail that long, surprises are out and the biggest danger is to overestimate one’s capacities.

Minimum training program :

  • Three 10/13km jog a week. Distance is not what matters most. You should work it up so that you can run comfortably for 1h30m.
  • Favor uphill training whenever you can : it will muscle up your legs and your heart and will get you used to higher heart rates (important if you are over 40!). Also, properly muscled legs are less prone to injuries.
  • A 5 to 8 hours outing every second week for three months ( with rucksack weighing about 5kg as on D Day) should be sufficient to insure finishing the race without major problems.
  • Of course you can add to that program longer outings over several days..
  • Cycling, muscular exercises can also positively vary your training program.
  • Avoid violent sports like tennis or squash the month before the ace as they can induce injuries
  • Remember that during the race exposure to the sun can be dangerous. Also prepare and protect your feet (Vaseline protects from blisters)

The day before the race :

  • Check up your equipment (compulsory and personal)
  • Try and spend the last day/night close to the starting point.
  • Eat well (pasta) and drink plenty.

D day :

  • Make sure you get 4 to 6 hours sleep during that day.
  • Do not take sleeping pills!
  • Warm up gently and …start drinking water!